Sunday, October 21, 2007


I am sorry but I wont be doing much of a post today as I have developed a case of repetitive gaming syndrome from the new guitar hero I received as an early birthday gift from my girlfriend. So I hope everyone is having a great day. :)


Flower said...

Hi Emmy, repetitive gaming syndrome eh?!!
Well you enjoy!!!

Emmy said...

HeHe ;)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!!...Wait am I early???

Dawn Drover said...

funny.. I have a friend with that very same syndrome! Watch out for the carpal tunnel :))

Emmy said...

Has2 - Thank you so much ;)

Dawn - I think I need a wrist brace. HeHe

Anonymous said...

what are your favorite songs on Guitar Hero? i LOVE to play Free Bird, Heart Shaped Box, Mother, War Pigs, and Carry On My Wayward sun. If I wasn't in the middle of watching Rain Man right now, I'd be playing GH b/c you made me think of all the great songs!!!

abbagirl said...

guitar hero ROCKS!! which one d'ya got? I, II, or rock the '80s?

i've already pre-ordered III. i canNOT wait!!

Emmy said...

I LOVE guitar hero. I have a lot of favorites but carry on my wayward son definitely rocks. :)