Saturday, October 13, 2007

Robotic Chairs

Useless I know but Interesting non the less. I came across this during my usual web searching and found it interesting. I thought I would share something different and on the Lighter side of things today. Enjoy, I hope you are amazed, ( even though it is useless). :)


Lakshman Srikanth D said...

Wow ,Cool video!

Emmy said...

I thought so to, Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah,interesting video... :)
Love your blog,you've posted some amazing stuff which gave me some great inspiration! Keep up the good work!
All the best - have a great weekend! :)

Emmy said...

Thanks alot Ill, I really appreciate your support. :)

fishwithoutbicycle said...

That's so bizarre :-)

Emmy said...

I know, why would you think of something like a breakable chair?